Archbishop Mark
My name is Mark Gregorczyk. I was born in Texas in 1957, and was raised in the Roman Catholic Faith. After schooling, I spent two decades in the Full Gospel Charismatic and Pentecostal Protestant Faith Movements. I played in Praise Bands in various Churches, was an AWANA Commander at a Bible Church in Virginia, and for a while, was active in Promise Keepers.
And then, at the age of 45, after making a Vow to God to serve Him as a Slave for the rest of my life, He spoke to me in a Protestant Church Service, saying “You will be returning to the Catholic Faith and you will become one of My Priests”. I then entered into a Deep Intense Interior Monastic Life that included Daily Mass, the 7 Divine Offices, Eucharistic Adoration, the Rosary, and Spiritual Reading.
After six months, I Consecrated the rest of my Life to Holy Abandonment, that is, "The Abandonment of my will to the Divine Will in all things", and it led me to start experiencing God’s Grace and Miracles for the first time in my life. My Spiritual life had now become more like a Roller Coaster, with God in control.
Soon afterwards, God spoke to me again, “If you continue to seek after Me with all your Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength, I will strip you of all affection for the things of this earth”, and He has been true to his Promise.
At the age of 48, I Consecrated my Life to Jesus Christ through the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as recommended by Saint Louis de Montfort.
After another decade of Prayer, and what seemed like a multitude of Rejections from the Roman Catholic Bishops and many Catholic Religious Orders, I entered the Agape of Jesus Seminary, and in 2009, was Ordained to the Priesthood by Archbishop Maurice McCormick of the Independent Old Catholic Church.
God had given me a deep yearning to serve as a Priest somewhere in this World where there is an extreme shortage of Priests, so in 2010, God led me to Zambia to serve as a Volunteer Missionary Priest for 6 Old Catholic Parishes in the African Bush. So, I bought a one-way ticket to Africa with the intention of spending the rest of my life there, but God did not allow me to stay because of the coming Persecution against Christians. So, after recovering from Malaria and running out of funding, I returned home to the United States and to my deep Monastic Prayer Life.
In 2013, at the request of my Bishop, I traveled to Kenya to Pastor one of our Churches and to oversee our Orphanage near Lake Victoria. Once again, I bought a one-way ticket to Africa with the intention of spending the rest of my life there, but God did not allow me to stay. After recovering from an advanced case of Malaria and other Ministry problems, I restocked the Church with the supplies I had brought and returned home to the United States.
In 2016, under God’s Inspiration, I compiled a Rule and Constitutions for a Religious Order, the Franciscan Lesser Missionaries of Charity, where its members would live a Contemplative Lifestyle, among and in service to the poor for the Parishes of Christ Charismatic Church in Zambia. See the: Rule of the Franciscan Lesser Missionaries of Charity
In late 2017, I was Ordained to the Episcopacy, and Consecrated as the Bishop of Zambia in the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church, a small Rite of Eastern/Western Orthodox descent. It is not currently recognized as being under the Roman Catholic Church, but had validly descended from a former Uniate Greek Ukrainian Orthodox Catholic Church.
In early 2019, for the third time, I bought a one-way ticket to Africa with the intention of spending the rest of my life there, but the trials and difficulties that arose from the Morally Corrupt Government Officials prevented me from staying in this Country, and after Praying about it, the Virgin Mary instructed me to leave Zambia. So, after importing a ton of Religious Goods for the Church and contracting a third case of Malaria, I returned to the United States.
As Bishop, I have continued to advise and support the Church from wherever Mary leads me, and also teach our Seminarians through the Internet, as I continue to live in a deep Monastic Prayer Life as a Nomadic Priest and Hermit Monk.
In 2020, Mary called me to a much Deeper Consecration to Her Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart as one of Her "Priest Sons" in Our Lady’s Marian Movement of Priests.
So on March 25, I officially Consecrated myself to Her through the Marian Movement of Priests. mmp-usa.net
In February 2023, God removed me from the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church Rite, based out of Florida. From this point on, the Lord made me ArchBishop and Primate of Christ Charismatic Church, which the Lord had me form and Legally Register with the Government of Zambia.
In November 2023, God had me travel back to Zambia and perform an Episcopal Consecration on Father Gerald Siwo. I then granted Gerald Faculties to be the Presiding Archbishop of Africa for Christ Charismatic Church.
My Faith is that of the Roman Catholic Church, its Doctrines and Catechism, and through my Affiliation with the Marian Movement of Priests, I affirm through my Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that I:
"Above all, wish to be united with the Holy Father and the Hierarchy, firmly adhering to all their Directives, so as thus to set up a Barrier to the Growing Confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that Threatens the very Foundation of the Church, and under Mary's Maternal Protection I want moreover to be an Apostle of this sorely needed Unity of Prayer and Love for the Pope, on whom I invoke Mary's Special Protection."
In other words, even though I am Roman Catholic, I will serve Jesus and Mary as their Slave, not where I want to be, but where They command that I be, for the rest of my life in this world.
Jesus and Mary have also given me the desire to Pray for and Pursue the Reconciliation of all Christians. We do not have to believe everything our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Believe, but if we continue to Judge and Condemn them, we may find ourselves Fighting against God Himself. We are Jesus People, who should Love not only our Enemies, but also our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. See 28430ChristChurch.com
My Deeply Interior Life is the Soul of my Ministry, which generates an Intense Love and Intimate Union with God, and from it I Pray, will come a true sharing in Christ's Work of Saving Souls.
Contact Me: mark@gregorczyk.org

This Pic was taken on the Shore of Lake Malawi in a small Fishing Village. Here, I found a small boy standing on one leg, only 3 to 4 years old. Many in this life face hardships much greater than our own.

Archbishop Mark
Christ Charismatic Church of Zambia.

Why Did God Choose Me?
1 Corinthians 1
26 Brothers and Sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by Human Standards; not many were Influential; not many were of Noble Birth. 27 But God chose the Foolish Things of the World to Shame the Wise; God chose the Weak Things of the World to Shame the Strong. 28 God chose the Lowly Things of this World and the Despised Things—and the Things that are Not—to Nullify the Things that Are, 29 so that no one may Boast before Him. 30 It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us the Wisdom from God. — That is, our Righteousness, Holiness and Redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the One who Boasts, Boast in the Lord.”
I am a nobody. I did not have a Religious Education when God Called me. I have not been a Faithful Christian all my Life. I am more like a worm of the earth, worth no more than dust or ashes in God´s Sight.
God sees the Future though, and He knew that when he destroyed my Marriage and Estranged my Children from me later in life, I would come to the end of my Life in this world, so to speak. It was then, that I Offered my poor self to God, to Serve Him in whichever Faith He wanted me, even to go to the Poorest and most Dangerous Countries in the World, to Faithfully Serve Him for the Rest of my Life, until the Day He takes my Life Breath from me. I gave myself Totally & Completely to Him.
Now, I owe God Everything. He Trained me in His ways, and made me the Archbishop Primate of a Worldwide Church, and the Blessed Virgin Mary had me become one of Her Priest Sons. She watches over me, and sends Her Angels to Protect me. Thus, I have become a Slave to Jesus and Mary, and I am Glad of it. Totus Tuus!
Archbishop Mark Gregorczyk